Environmental Policy

Tysoe Village Hall Management Committee is committed to protecting and actively promoting the improvement of the environment.

The committee will ensure that environmental priorities are integrated into the decisions it takes on all its services and will seek to:

  1. Make the most efficient use of energy. It will endeavour to use the minimum quantities of energy possible in accordance with the safe and efficient operation of its heating, lighting, plant and machinery. It will, from time to time, review its energy sources, energy using appliances and energy efficiency with a view to causing the least environmental impact. It will monitor consumption and eliminate excessive or unnecessary use. It will communicate to hirers and staff the means by which energy may be conserved, e.g. closing doors, turning off lights and managing heat sources.
  2. Be proactive in reviewing changes to energy supply and consumption over time, as market and technology advances provide viable alternatives. 
  3. Minimise and where possible eliminate all forms of pollution, using biodegradable chemicals where possible, and minimising use of solvents and lead-based paints. Users will be encouraged to avoid creating noise pollution, especially at night. 
  4. Use the minimum quantities of water possible in accordance with its activities and ensure that the water it uses is both supplied and disposed of, in the purest condition possible, meeting statutory requirements. It will reduce leakage and eliminate excessive or unnecessary use, e.g. through avoiding unnecessary flushing of urinals when the hall is not in use. 
  5. Avoid waste and encourage hirers and visitors to remove and dispose of any waste they create in the most appropriate manner at their homes.
  6. It will ensure that the potential environmental impact of any building projects will be assessed and minimised. This will include, where possible, methods of construction, repair or refurbishment which make best use of resources; designs which result in low maintenance and high energy efficiency and the use of building materials from sustainable sources such as timber. It will encourage volunteers, hirers and staff to use and operate the building correctly to conserve energy and minimise waste.
  7. Promote a sense of responsibility and understanding for the environment and participation in environmental issues, by raising user and staff awareness, by information provision and open consultation with the local community.
  8. It will seek, where possible, to purchase from local or regional suppliers, in order to maximise input to the local community and minimise carbon emissions from transport.
  9. Protect the health and well-being of all staff and visitors and improve and safeguard the quality of Tysoe Village Hall.
  10. Monitor, review and where possible improve performance each year with positive action on any areas of non-compliance.

Policy agreed by Trustees and Management Committee - June 2024

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