Tysoe Village Hall Health and Safety Policy

General Statement of Policy

This document is the Health and Safety Policy of Tysoe Village Hall.

Our policy is to:

  1. Provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for our employee(s), volunteers, committee members and hirers
  2. Keep the village hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users
  3. Provide such training and information as is necessary to staff,volunteers and users.

It is the intention of Tysoe Village Hall Management Committee to comply with all health and safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.

Tysoe Village Hall Management Committee considers the promotion of the health and safety of its employees at work and those who use its premises, including contractors who may work there, to be of great importance. The management committee recognises that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work. To this end, it will seek to encourage employees, committee members and users to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working practices.

Employees, hirers and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the committee, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.

Signed: (On behalf of Tysoe Village Hall Management Committee)

Name: Ben Viollet

Position: Chair

Date: 19 June 2024

Organisation of Health and Safety

The Tysoe Village Hall Management Committee has overall responsibility for health and safety at Tysoe Village Hall.

The person delegated by the management committee to have day to day responsibility for the implementation of this policy is:

Name: Ben Viollet, Chair

Telephone No: 07775 500139

Address: 12, Oxhill Road, Tysoe, Warwickshire, CV35 0SX

It is the duty of all employees, hirers and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to cooperate with the management committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds.

Should anyone using the hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately they should inform the person above, or the Bookings Secretary, as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning that it is not to be usedand it should be placed in the comments booked, located in the kitchen.

The following persons have responsibility for specific items: 

First Aid Box: Linda Edwards, Volunteer

Reporting of accidents: Ben Viollet, Chair

Fire precautions and checks: Ben Viollet, Chair

Training in use of hazardous substances and equipment: Ben Viollet, Chair

Risk assessment and inspections:

Information to contractors: Ben Viollet, Chair & Judy Webb, Treasurer

Information to hirers: Ben Viollet, Chair and Jacqueline Franklin, Trustee

Insurance: Ben Viollet, Chair & Judy Webb, Treasurer

Policy agreed by Trustees and Management Committee - May 2024

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