Tips for a successful hall hire

The Hall Committee wishes for every hiring to meet or exceed your expectations.  

Whilst your allotted booking will allow you some time to set up the hall, a bit of forward thinking and planning really does pay dividends to help remove any last minute drama - and allow you to welcome your guests with confidence.

Have a read through the topics below, follow the links to see the facilities we offer and please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions that remain unanswered or that require clarification. It's much easier before the day.

Plan your hall layout

The main hall and McNulty conference room have a number of potential layouts. Please review the floor dimensions and the location of doors and fire exits in order to understand where best to position chairs and tables. Allow time to get the tables and chairs out and positioned. Please take a look at the gallery to see examples of how the furniture can be used to best effect.

Fire safety

Safety is of paramount concern for the Hall Committee, hirers and to visitors. 

The blocking of any fire exit using tables, chairs or any other object is expressly forbidden. 

It is good practice at the start of any event with more than just a few people to take a moment to advise your visitors of where fire exits are placed. 

Make light of it as you may wish, the Flight Attendant “here, here and here” with waving arms always gets a smile, but in the very unlikely event of a need to rapidly evacuate the hall could really make the difference.


Parent Teacher Association Fundraisers, 40s tea-room dances, discos, Annual General Meetings open to the public - and many more.  

The hall has seen all manner of events over the years, setting the lighting tone is critical to create the correct ambiance. For dusk or evening events the main hall blinds can be lowered, side wall lights and main overhead bright LED panels switched on and dimmed as required.

Need to create a bit more of a “wow” with the stage area or to make your music that bit more audible?

Please review the additional audio visual equipment that can be hired for your event.

Food and drink (alcohol)

Planning on serving alcohol at your private party? No issue - enjoy!

Planning on selling alcohol at your private event or at your charity fundraiser? That IS an issue - and you either need to work with our Bookings Secretary to see if the Social Club next door can open and support your event - or you will need a licence from Stratford Upon Avon Council.

Parking - plan ahead

The hall has some parking spaces and copious free street parking options, but please share the location details with your guests if they are not local - no one enjoys driving around in ever-decreasing circles.

Returning the hall ready for the next hiring

You should have taken receipt of the hall in a clean, orderly and organised manner from our caretaking staff or the previous hirer. Please help us to help the hirer after you enjoy their session 

Clearing up after your event

We are not blessed with expensive wheelie bins - we try to keep our overheads as low as possible so that our hiring rates are extremely competitive. Please plan to bring some black sacks with you if you are providing catering - or likely to create waste that needs to be easily taken away.

We have a lovely wide broom in the hall - please take a few minutes to have a sweep up - the next hirer will be most grateful.

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