Policy Procedure
All members of the committee and trustees will familiarise themselves with safeguarding procedures, including this policy.
All committee members will be subject to safe recruitment processes including a referencing process and completing a self-declaration form. Where necessary, trustees/committee members will undergo a DBS check to enable them to oversee regulated activity* within the hall.
*Definition of regulated activity: Regulated activity is defined as work (including voluntary and supervision) that must not be undertaken by individuals who are barred from working with children, young people, and adults who may be particularly vulnerable. In summary, this includes:
- Unsupervised Activities: This encompasses teaching, training, instructing, caring for, or supervising children; providing advice or guidance on well-being; or driving a vehicle that is used exclusively for transporting children.
- Regular or Frequent Work: This refers to activities performed regularly (at least weekly), frequently (four times a month or more), or overnight (between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.). It also includes work carried out in specific establishments ('specified places') that offer opportunities for contact, such as schools, children’s homes, and childcare facilities.
No member of the trustees, helpers or other volunteers or staff will have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless:
- They have been through the safe recruitment procedure (see Appendix 1)
- Been subject to a Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check
- They have received introductory Child Protection or Vulnerable Adults Protection training.
All suspicions or allegations of abuse against a child or vulnerable adult will be taken seriously and dealt with speedily and appropriately.
All trustees, staff, volunteers and hirers need to be aware of this policy, child protection, and vulnerable adult issues, and should be offered introductory training. A copy of the appendices will be provided to all who request it.
There will be a nominated and named Vulnerable Users representative to whom any suspicions or concerns should be reported. This person is Ben Viollet. This position will be reviewed annually at the Tysoe Village Hall AGM, or sooner if the representative becomes unavailable.
The committee will endeavour to provide and keep the premises safe for use by children and vulnerable adults and conduct regular safety assessments. The committee recognises that a higher standard of safety is required where use is made by children, those who cannot read safety notices and those with additional needs such as limited mobility.
Any organisations or individuals hiring the hall for the purposes of holding activities where OFSTED registration is required (see Appendix 1) should show their registration and their own Safeguarding Policy. Safe recruitment processes should be used to appoint staff who will be working with children or vulnerable adults in any kind of activity.
Use of the Village Hall by groups for use with children, young people or vulnerable adults: leaders will be required to have their own public liability insurance, to have a suitable safeguarding policy and/or agree to work to the Village Hall’s policy, to ensure their members are aware of the policy and ensure that it is followed. Leaders must have appropriate DBS checks and know the location of the first aid box. They must also carry out risk assessments for individual activities. Users of the village hall must ensure they have the appropriate ratio of supervising adults to children. It is recommended to have at least two adults present when working with or supervising children and young people.
The NSPCC recommends the following ratio to ensure adequate supervision of children present:
- under 2 years - one adult to three children
- 2 - 3 years - one adult to four children
- 4 - 8 years - one adult to six children
- 9 - 12 years - one adult to eight children
- 13 - 18 years - one adult to ten children
When working with children and young people who have special educational needs, disabilities (SEND), or additional needs, a higher level of supervision than the standard ratios previously mentioned may be required.
It is essential to conduct a risk assessment for each activity to determine the appropriate supervision ratios. This assessment should consider the children and young people's behaviour, abilities, and mobility. To ensure that their needs are fully addressed, where possible, incorporate input from the children and young people themselves, as well as from their parents and carers.
Organisations hiring the hall for activities for children will be asked to show their Safeguarding policy before the first booking commences. Individuals hiring the hall for activities for children will be made aware of this policy. Organisations hiring the hall for activities specifically involving vulnerable adults will be asked to show their Vulnerable Adults Protection policy before the first booking commences. Other organisations hiring the hall whose activities may involve vulnerable adults will be made aware of this policy.
The committee will ensure that attendees at the Village Hall events are aware that parents/carers are responsible for their children’s safety and the committee will display on notice boards the relevant safeguarding contacts for advice and help.
The committee will ensure that hirers are made aware of their obligations under the Licensing Act 2003 to ensure that alcohol is not sold to those under the age of 18. The committee will ensure that hirers are aware that no children may be admitted to films when they are below the age classification for the film or show. No gambling or entertainment with an adult or sexual nature shall be permitted on the premises when children, young people and vulnerable adults are present.
The committee will require hirers to report any damage, breakages or safety issues needing attention to the booking secretary, who will inform the appropriate people. These will be dealt with as soon as practicable.
A hiring agreement which includes appropriate clauses will be entered into for all hirings for licensable activities. The committee will ensure that these provisions are observed when holding any licensable activities itself. The committee will give written instructions to those selling alcohol concerning the licensing offences which must be avoided.
Contractors engaged to carry out work at the premises must not be allowed unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults. Appropriate supervision will be arranged if necessary.
If the premises might be used by more than one hirer, the attention of hirers will be drawn to the need to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are supervised, especially when using toilets.
A copy of the policy will be displayed for the attention of all in the Village Hall and made available on request to hirers. These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually at the AGM and updated as appropriate in the interim periods. All trustees, committee members, volunteers and appropriate hirers will be given information about child protection and should attend introductory level Safeguarding training and Protection of Vulnerable Adults training where possible.