The Hall Committee
Tysoe Village Hall Trust is a Charity, registration number 523027. Detailed information regarding the Charity can be viewed online at the Charity Commission website.
The core focus and aim of the Village Hall is as follows:
Rental of Village Hall and space as a local amenity for holding of various functions for the local population. These functions are paid for by hirers on a space and time basis. The Hall also supports various other local charitable activities such as reading circles, bowls club and flower show.
This purpose is rooted in the history of the hall, as can be seen in more detail here. The hall is at the centre of village life, operated by a committee of unpaid volunteers, many of whom have served the hall and village for many years.
We are always open to welcome new members who can bring fresh ideas and experience to the group. If you feel you have experience to share - please do get in touch.
The composition of the committee is a mixture of trustees and volunteers, the details of which can be viewed on the Charity Commission website.
We operate within a formal governance model which includes monthly meetings, an Annual General Meeting with election and re-election processes, all supported by a formal Constitution.
The Tysoe Village Hall Trust Management Committee comprises the following trustees and volunteers, shown with the club or organisation they represent, if relevant:
Ben Viollet (Chair) - Tysoe Tennis Club
Jackie Keyser (Secretary) - Women’s Institute
Judy Webb (Treasurer)
Jacqueline Franklin (Booking Secretary) - Church of St Mary’s
Linda Johnson - Women’s Institute
Keith Brooks - Tysoe Social Club
Jenny Brown - Tysoe Football Club
Doug Campbell
Tom Cronin - Tysoe Football Club
Kayleigh Lewis
Helen Sayers - Tysoe Parish Council
Thomas Slinger - Bowls Club
Christine Tuffin - Tysoe Flower Show & Fete
Amanda Venables - Tysoe Parish Council
Paid contractor
James Weston - Cleaner