Tysoe Curling Club
Tysoe Curling Club was formed in July 2024 and is sponsored by The Stour Health and Wellbeing Partnership.
We play in Tysoe Village Hall every Monday afternoon from 2.00 – 3.00 p.m (except Bank Holidays).
This activity is FREE, fun and just a little bit competitive!!
Indoor curling is suitable for all abilities. Don’t worry about being able to bend down, a lot of our current players use a curling stick to propel the curling stones towards the target. Join in the fun and laughter by landing your curling stone skilfully on the target or try knocking your opponent’s stone off the target and send them flying in all directions!
Drop in on a Monday or for more information contact:-
Sue Baxter 01295 670605 or email baxtersue@btconnect.com.