Could you help Tysoe Village Hall to prosper for the future?

The hall is run by a group of unpaid Trustees and volunteers. They give willingly of their time and expertise and support the hall in it's aim to be an affordable and welcoming space for village events.

Income is primarily from hirings, but also from grants and donations from kind villagers. To make donations more relevant and beneficial to both the hall and to the donor, in 2023 the hall was registered by HMRC under the Gift Aid Scheme.

Many will know of the scheme, but as a short outline.

What is Gift Aid? 

Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.

If you are a UK taxpayer, signing up for Gift Aid means the hall can reclaim tax on all donations you’ve made to us in the last four years and any you make in the future. For every £1 you have donated or will give in the future, the government will give us 25p back – at no extra cost to you.

I am a higher rate tax payer - I can't donate?

Well, as with all things taxation-related. Maybe.

There are benefits to higher-rate taxpayers for using Gift Aid, but it is imperative that you take professional advice if you are unsure of your own tax position, to avoid any opportunity for HMRC to reclaim tax due.

However - for many that pay tax at the higher rate, you can reclaim tax relief on your gross donation at 20% (i.e. the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate at 20%). Simply print out a copy of your donation history and attach it to your tax return.

If you would like to discuss making a bequest to Tysoe Villlage Hall to help secure this wonderful amenity for future generations - please get in touch.

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