Tysoe WI
A vibrant group, focused on friendship and fun. Proud to be the oldest WI in Warwickshire we meet on the first Wednesday of each month in Tysoe Village Hall. Our membership has almost trebled over the last two years; we now have almost 60 members.
The group welcomes guests who are not currently WI members. Guests pay just £5.00 to attend and get to hear a great talk from an invited speaker, enjoy a glass of wine and tea/coffee and maybe even a slice of famous WI cake.
Great value - and all in a very warm and engaging environment. Why not come along to one of our monthly meetings? Held on the 1st Wednesday of each month in Tysoe Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.
Enjoy a glass of wine, make new friends and be entertained by a rich variety of guest speakers.
The group also organises interesting trips to a variety of places, throughout the year, the last one being to the Worcester Christmas Markets - where a coach full of members enjoyed seeing the local sights and sampling some wonderful local produce
When : 1st Wednesday of each month, please arrive at 7.15pm to organise your drink, ready for a 7.30pm start
For more details please get in touch with Christine Harrop.
Tel: 01295 780765
Email: tysoewi1917@yahoo.com